Press release – Swedish diploma accredited by FERMA
Press release
08 July 2016
Swedish diploma among the first accreditations for FERMA’s professional certification programme, rimap®
The Risk Management Diploma offered by the Stockholm School of Economics Executive Education is among the first six risk management education programmes in Europe to receive accreditation from the Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA) for its new professional certification rimap®.
Rimap® is the first professional certification programme for European risk managers. It will provide independent recognition of the professional competences, experience and standards of individual risk managers. Accredited programmes, the rimap® examination and continuing professional development are the corner stones of this new professional qualification.
The Swedish risk management association SWERMA supported the application for accreditation and its Chairman Niclas Nelson commented: “We are really pleased to have the first university in Sweden receiving an accreditation from FERMA in order for SWERMA to able to offer this important value adding education and training for our members and by that stressing the importance of good risk management in all organizations in which our members are working.”
FERMA President Jo Willaert commented: “Education is one of the three priorities of my term as president. Having rimap® accredited education programmes is a building block in our long term initiative to place risk management firmly among the professions. I am delighted with the support we have received from the member associations who have worked closely with FERMA and the education bodies to achieve this first set of accreditations. Others will follow.”
The full list of the first rimap® accredited risk management programmes is:
- Belgium : ICHEC Formation Continue – Diplôme en Risk Management
- Finland : University of Tampere – “Master’s Degree Programme in Business Studies – Specialization in Insurance and Risk Management”
- Italy : ANRA – ALP (ANRA Learning Path)
- Malta : University of Malta – “Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Insurance and Risk Management”
- Poland : POLRISK Certyfikowany zawodowy menedżer ryzyka
- Sweden : Stockholm School of Economics Executive Education – “Risk Management Diploma”
Notes to journalists:
The FERMA rimap® steering committee examines applications from education bodies whose programmes have the support of their FERMA national association. If satisfied, the steering group provides accreditation for one year, which can be renewed.
Successful completion of an accredited course will form part of a candidate’s application for the rimap® examination.
For more information in rimap®, see: http://rimap®
You are invited to attend the FERMA Seminar on 3-4 October in Malta. See for more information.
Press contacts:
Typhaine Beaupérin, CEO, FERMA at and
+32 (2) 761 94 31
Lee Coppack, FERMA media coordinator, at and +44 (0) 208 318 0330 or +44 (0) 7843 089904.
Education body: a provider of a risk management education programme. This is not limited to universities, business schools or higher schools. Any education body which offers specific risk management education can apply for a rimap® accreditation if it meets the requirements set by FERMA based on the ”rimap® Body of Knowledge”.
Accreditation: the process used to acknowledge that an education provider’s programme meets the risk management education requirements set by FERMA based on the ”rimap® Body of Knowledge”. Who can apply for accreditation: universities, higher schools and those who offer specific risk management education.
The Federation of European Risk Management Associations brings together 22 risk management associations in 21 European countries, representing more than 4700 risk managers active in a wide range of business sectors from major industrial and commercial companies to financial institutions and local government bodies. FERMA provides the means of co-ordinating risk management and optimising the impact of these associations outside of their national boundaries on a European level. FERMA is a member of the International Federation of Risk and Insurance Management Associations (IFRIMA).