Dags för FERMAs Risk Management Survey!
Det har nu åter blivit dags för FERMAs Risk Management Survey. Det är ett viktigt redskap i att kunna följa utvecklingen för vår bransch och för alla FERMAs medlemsorganisationer att få övergripande statistik på utvecklingen. SWERMA har en tradition av att vara en av de bästa i klassen, så hoppas att vi fortsätter i samma stil. Bidra med de 15-20 min det tar att fylla i enkäten!
2022 European Risk Management Survey Risk Managers, the European survey on your profession is underway
The Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA), in partnership with PwC, has launched the new edition of its survey on the Risk Management profession.
This survey will provide a better understanding of the evolving role, the stakes, and the activities of Risk Managers. Furthermore, it will help identifying their priorities, and will put these elements into perspective at European and national levels.
One of its kind in Europe with more than 800 expected respondents, this survey will provide a description of the Risk Manager function. The results will help you guide your future actions by using this survey as a comparison tool.
Share your experience with us!
Risk Managers, now is the time to tell us who you are!
Answer this survey to provide a description of the Risk Manager function: its profile, its missions, its interactions within the company, and its perception of and practices in insurance management. Share also your experience in regards to three key issues: the use of new technologies, the Risk Manager involvement in defining the strategy of the organization, and the Risk Management role to respond to the sustainability and digital stakes.
More information regarding the survey
Your answers are strictly confidential and will be a valuable source of information to understand the evolution of the Risk Manager profession.
It will take you approximately 15-20 minutes to answer all the questions.
The results will allow you to compare yourself with your peers at national and European levels. First highlights of the survey will be communicated during a webinar in May 2022, and the full report will be published in June 2022.
Contact us: laetitia.fung@ferma.eu