Certified Risk Management Professional – rimap®
På SWERMAs uppdrag har SSE Executive Education, som en av de sex första i Europa, erhållit ackreditering från FERMA för certifieringsutbildningen Certified Risk Management Professional – rimap®
Att höja utbildningsnivån inom risk management är ett viktigt steg i ambitionen att få yrkesrollen Risk Manager till en accepterad yrkestitel inom Europa. FERMAs President Jo Willaert kommenterade de nyligen utfärdade ackrediteringarna;
“Education is one of the three priorities of my term as president. Having rimap® accredited education programmes is a building block in our long term initiative to place risk management firmly among the professions. I am delighted with the support we have received from the member associations who have worked closely with FERMA and the education bodies to achieve this first set of accreditations. Others will follow.”
De första sex ackrediterade utbildningsprogrammen inom rimap® i Europa:
- Belgien: ICHEC Formation Continue – Diplôme en Risk Management (BELRIM)
- Finland: University of Tampere – “Master’s Degree Programme in Business Studies – Specialization in Insurance and Risk Management” (FINNRIMA)
- Italien: ANRA – ALP (ANRA Learning Path)
- Malta: University of Malta – “Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Insurance and Risk Management” (MARM)
- Polen: POLRISK – “Certyfikowany zawodowy menedżer ryzyka”
- Sverige: Stockholm School of Economics Executive Education – “Risk Management Diploma” (SWERMA)
Läs mer om Certified Risk Management Professional – rimap® under Kurser & Program!