Magnus Jelen
You can’t just concede – But how do you negotiate with cybercriminals?
Cyberattacks are one of the few threats that could bring any company down, if they don’t prepare in time. A substantial amount of companies are attacked with Ransomware each year, but how should one navigate such an attack? Should you even negotiate with the hackers and should you pay? This session will provide insight about hacking groups and firsthand advice how an organization could deal with them in case of an attack.
Magnus Jelen has more than 15 years of experience in security, law enforcement and intelligence operations. He is a trained hostage negotiator, and today he is the Director of Incident Response EMEA for Coveware Inc. Coweare is a cyber incident response firm, focusing on assisting companies with Ransomware recovery and negotiations with the hackers. Every month Coveware handles 100-150 new cases around the world.